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From the Margins 1: Women of the Hebrew Bible and their Afterlives
Peter S. Hawkins, Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg
Publication Date
August 2008


Biblical women who are given only a few lines in the Bible, who are named only as the wife or sister or child of a man, can nonetheless play pivotal roles and cast long shadows. This volume brings together scholars, writers, and art historians, who probe texts and trace reception history in exegesis, midrash, literature, and the visual arts as they breathe life again into these biblical characters.


J. Cheryl Exum, “Hagar en procès: The Abject in Search of Subjectivity”

Ena Giurescu Heller, “Bibles, Midrashim and Medieval Tales: The Artistic Journey of Potiphar’s Wife”

Esther Schor, “Saviors and Liars: The Midwives of Exodus 1”

Jacqueline Osherow, Brides of Blood: Women at the Outset of Exodus”

Peter S. Hawkins, “God’s Trophy Whore”

Ken Stone, “How a Woman Unmans a King: Gender Reversal and the Woman of Thebez in Judges 9”

Susanna Bede Caroselli, “The Dissemination of Jephthah’s Daughter”

Katheryn Pfisterer Darr, “Asking at Abel: A Wise Woman’s Performance in 2 Samuel 20”

Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg, “From Biblical Blanket to Post-biblical Blank Slate: The Lives and Times of Abishag the Shunammite”

Jay Twomey, “Is Naomi a Liberal Pluralist? The Politics of Loss and Redemption in Jonathan Edwards’s Sermon, ‘Ruth's Resolution’”

Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor, “The Strange Case of the Disappearing Woman: Biblical Resonances in Kafka’s Fräulein Bürstner”

Erin Runions, “Ms Job and the Problem of God: A Feminist, Existentialist, Materialist Reading”

Peter S. Hawkins is Professor of Religion and Literature, Yale Divinity School. Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg is Associate Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies at Colgate University.

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