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Embroidered Garments: Priests and Gender in Biblical Israel
Deborah W. Rooke
Publication Date
October 2009


This collection of essays, the proceedings of an international conference held at King’s College London in 2008, explores issues in the construction of gender that appear in the Hebrew Bible both in relation to priesthood itself and in literature with a priestly worldview (the P source, Chronicles, Ezra–Nehemiah, Ezekiel). Topics covered include female religious functionaries and their absence from the Hebrew Bible, masculinity and femininity as seen through the lens of priestly purity legislation, priestly genealogies as an expression of Jacques Derrida’s “archive fever,” the definition of masculinity that is evidenced by priests’ clothing, and the marginalization of women in priestly ideologies of nationality and kinship.

This is the second volume in the subseries King’s College London Studies in the Bible and Gender. The first was A Question of Sex: Gender and Difference in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond (2007).

Deborah W. Rooke is Lecturer in Old Testament Studies, King’s College, London.

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