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The Coming King and the Rejected Shepherd: Matthew's Reading of Zechariah's Messianic Hope
Clay Alan Ham
Publication Date
November 2006


Surprisingly, this is the first full-length study devoted to Matthew’s use of Zechariah by way of quotation and allusion. Three times he cites Zechariah (21:5; 26:31; 27:9–10), and on at least eight occasions he alludes to the prophet (23:35; 24:30, 31, 36; 25:31; 26:15, 28, 56). It is the messianic vision of Zechariah that has appealed to Matthew, with its elements of the restoration of the humble Davidic king, the smiting of the divinely appointed shepherd, the creation of a renewed remnant, and the worship of Yahweh by all nations.

Among the questions Ham undertakes to resolve in this precise and clearly presented monograph are: How much does Matthew’s reading of Zechariah owe to his Jewish predecessors? How much is he in harmony with other early Christian readers of the prophet? And to what extent has his image of Jesus been shaped by Zechariah’s eschatological hopes?

Clay Alan Ham is Professor of New Testament and Preaching, and Chair of the Bible Department, Dallas Christian College, Dallas, Texas.

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