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Semantics of New Testament Greek
J. P. Louw
Publication Date
January 1997


Semantics concerns itself with the nature, structure, development, and changes of the meaning of speech forms. While the more popular discipline of etymology has flourished, semantics has not become the subject of standard studies of New Testament Greek. Since semantics is concerned with more than the meaning of words or sentences, Professor Louw attempts to interpret this linguistic discipline to New Testament students who seek meaning in words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and complete narratives. By showing how semantics aids in interpreting the New Testament, he enables the reader to detect meaning in the whole of a text rather than in its dissected parts.

“J. P. Louw’s Semantics of New Testament Greek presents a concise and readable summary of recent work in semantic analysis and shows how the insights gained can illuminate the study of the NT. … This is a valuable, thought-provoking book.”
—E. V. N. Goetchius, Journal of Biblical Literature

J. P. Louw is Chairman of the Department of Greek at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.