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Yet With a Steady Beat: Contemporary U.S. Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation
Randall C. Bailey
SemeiaSt 42
Publication Date
August 2003


This collection of essays exemplifies new directions being taken by biblical scholars using new literary, historical, and sociological critical tools to explore issues of concern to their communities and thus poses a challenge to others in the discipline to broaden the canons of interpretation and sources. The essays, from the generation of scholars following the writers of the historic Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation (Fortress, 1991), address issues of cultural criticism, utilization of Black religious sources such as the Negro spirituals and sermons, histories of struggles of Afro-diasporan peoples, and ideological criticism in interpreting the biblical text.

Randall C. Bailey is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Hebrew Bible at Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia.


—Randall C. Bailey


Triennial Tithes and the Underdog: A Revisionist Reading of Deuteronomy 14:22–29 and 26:12–15
—Harold V. Bennett

The Role of Ethnicity in the Social Location of 1 Corinthians 7:17–24
—Brad Ronnell Braxton

The Bible and Models of Liberation in the African American Experience
—Demetrius K. Williams

The Sorrow Songs: Laments From Ancient Israel and the African American Diaspora
—Wilma Ann Bailey

Textual Harassment? A Hermeneutical Perspective on African American Preaching
—Ronald N. Liburd

A Case Study in Eighteenth-Century Afrodiasporan Biblical Hermeneutics and Historiography: The MasonicCharges of Prince Hall
—Hugh Rowland Page

Let My People Go! Threads of Exodus in African American Narratives
—Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan

A Prodigal Sings the Blues: The Characterization of Harriett Williams in Langston Hughes’s Not without Laughter
—Abraham Smith


Yet with A Steady Beat: The Task of African American Biblical Hermeneutics
—Carolyn M. Jones

On the Blurring of Boundaries
—Tina Pippin

African American Biblical Hermeneutics: Major Themes and Wider Implications
—Norman K. Gottwald

This is Semeia Studies 42. See more available volumes in the SemeiaSt series.