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The Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation
Alejandro F. Botta, Pablo R. Andinach
Publication Date
September 2009


The same Bible that historically has been invoked to support exploitation is also a source of inspiration for those fighting oppression and injustice. This collection of essays highlights the different receptions that liberationist hermeneutics has found in a number of contemporary contexts. The authors, originating from various countries and continents and nurtured by diverse theological insights, provide regional overviews of liberating struggles and liberation hermeneutics or engage the biblical text from various perspectives, including mujerista and feminist Afrocentric readings. This is an enriching panorama of ideas and readings all centered on the Bible as a key to liberation.

Alejandro F. Botta is Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible at Boston University School of Theology. Among his publications are The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine: An Egyptological Approach (2009); Los Doce Profetas Menores (2006); and Cultura material, evolución demográfica y cambio político en Palestina durante la dominación egipcia (1995). Pablo R. Andiñach is Professor of Old Testament, Instituto Universitario ISEDET, Buenos Aires. He is currently President of the Faculty of Theology at ISEDET and Director of the journal Cuadernos de Teología. His publications include El libro del Éxodo (2006); Ser Iglesia (2007); and Éxodo: Comentario para su traducción (2009).

Click here for a printable publication sheet, including table of contents, that you can put in your files or give to your librarian or bookstore.


Introduction: The Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation: Worldwide Trends and Prospects
— Pablo R. Andiñach and Alejandro F. Botta


OverviewsLiberation Hermeneutics after Liberation in South Africa
— Gerald West

“It Should Be Burned and Forgotten!” Latin American Liberation Hermeneutis through the Eyes of Another
— Hans de Wit

Liberation Hermeneutics in Old Europe, Especially Germany
— Erhard Gerstenberger

Texts and Contexts

Releasing the Story of Esau from the Words of Obadiah
— Jione Havea

How to Hide an Elephant on Fifth Avenue: Universality of Sin and Class Sin in the Hebrew Scriptures
— Alejandro F. Botta

True Fasting and Unwilling Hunger (Isaiah 58)
— Mercedes L. García Bachmann

Talitha Cum Hermeneutics of Liberation: Some African Women’s Ways of Reading the Bible
— Musa W. Dube

Paul against Empire: Then and Now
— Theodore W. Jennings Jr.

The Kingdom of God Is Not Like You Were Made to Believe: Reading Parables in the Context of Germany and Western Europe
— Luise Schottroff

A Mujerista Hermeneutics of Justice and Human Flourishing
— Ada María Isasi-Díaz


Liberation Hermeneutics and India’s Dalits
— Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon

Until Everyone Has a Place under the Sun
— Lai Ling Elizabeth Ngan

Liberation Hermeneutics: A Pastoral Journey
— Mortimer Arias