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The Future of the Biblical Past: Envisioning Biblical Studies on a Global Key
Roland Boer, Fernando F. Segovia, Fernando F. Segovia
SemeiaSt 66
Publication Date
November 2012


What does global biblical studies look like in the early decades of the twenty-first century, and what new directions may be discerned? Profound shifts have taken place over the last few decades as voices from the majority of the globe have begun and continue to reshape and relativize biblical studies. With contributors from Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America, this volume is a truly global work, offering surveys and assessments of the current situation and suggestions for the future of biblical criticism in all corners of the world. The contributors are Yong-Sung Ahn, George Aichele, Pablo R. Andiñach, Roland Boer, Fiona Black, Philip Chia, Nancy Cardoso Pereira, Jione Havea, Israel Kamudzandu, Milena Kirova, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Monica Melancthon, Judith McKinlay, Sarojini Nadar, Jorge Pixley, Jeremy Punt, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Fernando F. Segovia, Hanna Stenström, Vincent Wimbush, and Gosnell Yorke.

Roland Boer is Faculty Research Professor at the University of Newcastle. He is the author or editor of numerous books, including Criticism of Heaven: On Marxism and Theology, Criticism of Earth: On Marx, Engels and Theology (both from Brill), Nick Cave: A Study of Love, Death and Apocalypse (Equinox), and Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies (Society of Biblical Literature).

Fernando F. Segovia is Oberlin Graduate Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Divinity School, Vanderbilt University. His publications include the edited or co-edited volumes What is John? (2 vols.; Society of Biblical Literature), Postcolonial Biblical Criticism (T&T Clark), and Reading from This Place (2 vols.; Fortress).

Download volume front matter, including table of contents and introduction.