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Bible and Transformation: The Promise of Intercultural Bible Reading
Hans De Wit, Janet Dyk, editors
SemeiaSt 81
Publication Date
December 2015


Engage the delightful and inspiring, sometimes rough and rocky road to inclusive and transformative Bible reading

This book offers the results of research within a new area of discipline—empirical hermeneutics in intercultural perspective. The book includes interpretations from the homeless in Amsterdam, to Indonesia, from African Xhosa readers to Norway, to Madagascar, American youths, Germany, Czech Republic, Colombia, and Haitian refugees in the Dominican Republic.The contributors are Digna María Adames Nuñez, Marisol Ale Diaz, Eric Nii Bortey Anum, Esa J. Autero, Kim Barker, Willemien van Berkum, Janet Dyk, Godian Ejiogu, Knut Holter, Louis C. Jonker, Ricardo González Kindelan, Werner Kahl, Rainer Kessler, Ignacio Antonio Madera Vargas, La Rip Marip, Jeff Moore, Manuel Obeso Pérez, John Mansford Prior, Daniel S. Schipani, Fernando F. Segovia, Batara Sihombing, Hans Snoek, Luc Tanja, José Vicente Vergara Hoyos, Charlene van der Walt, Gerald West, Hans de Wit, Taggert E. Wolverton, and Danie van Zyl.


  • Interpretations from ordinary readers in more than twenty-five countries
  • Background introduction with history of the text
  • Discussion of intertextual connections with Greco-Roman authors

Hans de Wit is Professor and Dom Hélder Câmara Chair for Peace and Liberation, Faculty of Theology, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands. He is one of the initiators of a new international project called Through the Eyes of Another: Intercultural Reading of the Bible.

Janet Dyk is Senior Researcher, Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer, Faculty of Theology, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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