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Sea of Readings: The Bible in the South Pacific
Jione Havea, editor
SemeiaSt 90
Publication Date
May 2018


Readings by South Pacific islanders

This book offers readings of the Bible by native biblical critics from the South Pacific (Pasifika). An essay from editor Jione Havea introduces the volume by locating these essays within islander criticism and by explaining the flow of the book. Essays are presented in three sections. “Island Twists” offers readings that twist, like a whirlpool, biblical texts around insights of Pasifika novelists, composers, poets, and sages. “Island Turns” contains contextual readings that turn biblical texts toward Pasifika. “Across the Sea” contains responses by biblical critics from across the sea.


  • Contributions to islander criticism
  • A showcase of texts by native writers, poets, and composers
  • Crosscultural and postcolonial readings

Download volume front matter, including table of contents and introduction.

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