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Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa: Testimonies against the Jews
Martin C. Albl, Albl
Publication Date
December 2004


This volume provides the first translation into any modern language of Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa’s Testimonies against the Jews, a late fourth-century C.E. example of the scriptural testimonia genre. In this genre early Christians compiled biblical quotations, arranged under topical headings and accompanied by interpretive remarks, that functioned as “testimonies” in support of basic Christian beliefs and claims. In his notes Albl describes a unified yet flexible tradition that spread over the entire Mediterranean region, was expressed in Greek, Latin, and other languages, and flourished from the first century well beyond the fifth century. This volume, with Greek text and English translation on facing pages, will enable and stimulate greater interest and research in a neglected area of scholarship.

Martin C. Albl, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Presentation College in Aberdeen, South Dakota, is the author of And Scripture Cannot Be Broken: The Form and Function of the Early Christian Testimonia Collections (1999) and co-editor of Directions in New Testament Methods (1993).

“In this book Albl gives the reader a short, but valuable, introduction to Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa’s Testimonies against the Jews. Thereafter he also provides a Greek text of the Testimonies, based on Migne’s edition. However, Albl occasionally makes some very good and justifiable emendations to the Migne text. He also adds notes to the text in which he supplies the necessary references, and he even shows where the text deviates from the LXX reading. He also compares the Scripture readings with readings found in other church fathers, especially those who themselves used testimonia collections. The result is that the reader now has, for the first time ever, a very reliable and scholarly edited text of the Testimonies.”

—Hendrik F. Stander, Review of Biblical Literature