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Is Samuel Among the Deuteronomists? Current Views on the Place of Samuel in a Deuteronomistic History
Cynthia Edenburg, Juha Pakkala
AIL 16
Publication Date
October 2013


Literary and text critics rexamine the Deuteronomistic History hypothesis and raise possibilities for future research.

First Samuel tells the story of the origins of kingship in Israel in what seems to be an artistically structured, flowing narrative. Yet it is also marked by an inconsistent outlook, divergent styles, and breaks in the narrative. Though Martin Noth believed a Deuteronomistic historian constructed the narrative by piecing together early sources, recent studies have called into question the extent of sources incorporated, their redaction history, and the textual growth of the book as a whole in light of evidence from Qumran and Greek texts. Contributors Graeme Auld, Hannes Bezzel, Philip R. Davies, Walter Dietrich, Cynthia Edenburg, Jeremy M. Hutton, Jürg Hutzli, Axel Knauf, Reinhard Müller, Richard D. Nelson, Christophe L. Nihan, Kurt L. Noll, Juha Pakkala, and Jacques Vermeylen turn fresh eyes to the question of how Samuel connects to a Deuteronomistic History—if it connects at all.

Cynthia Edenburg teaches Hebrew Bible in the Department of History, Philosophy and Jewish Studies at The Open University of Israel.

Juha Pakkala is Docent and University Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Hebrew at the University of Helsinki. He is the author of Intolerant Monolatry in the Deuteronomistic History and God’s Word Omitted (both from Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), and Ezra the Scribe (de Gruyter).

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