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The Book of the Twelve and Beyond: Collected Essays of James D. Nogalski
James D. Nogalski
AIL 29
Publication Date
June 2017


A critical collection for specialists and serious students of prophetic literature

This book contains a collection of essays dealing with texts in the Book of the Twelve written by James D. Nogalski beginning in 1993. Essays use various methodological approaches to prophetic literature, including redaction criticism, form criticism, text criticism, intertextuality, and literary analysis. The variety of methods employed by one scholar, as well as the diverse texts treated, makes this volume useful for exploring changes in the field of prophetic studies in the last quarter century.


  • A helpful entry into the issues surrounding the historical and literary interpretation of the Book of the Twelve as a redacted corpus
  • A collection of sixteen essays using a variety of methods
  • Bracketed page numbers coordinating these essays with the pages in original publications

James D. Nogalski is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Religion at Baylor University. He is the author of Interpreting Prophetic Literature: Historical and Exegetical Tools for Reading the Prophets (2015), and The Book of the Twelve: Hosea–Jonah (2011).

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