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Seeking the Favor of God, Volume 3: The Impact of Penitential Prayer beyond Second Temple Judaism
Edited By Mark J. Boda, Daniel K. Falk, Rodney A. Werline, Mark J. Boda
EJL 23
Publication Date
November 2008


This book represents the third in a series tracing the development of a tradition of prayer that arose in the Jewish Second Temple period. Its critical essays trace the impact of the Second Temple penitential prayer traditions on the development of prayers and thought in rabbinic Judaism and Christianity during late antiquity and the early medieval periods.

Mark J. Boda is Professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College, and Professor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University. He is author of Praying the Tradition: The Origin and Use of Tradition in Nehemiah 9 (de Gruyter) and A Severe Mercy: Sin and Its Remedy in the Old Testament (Eisenbrauns). Daniel K. Falk is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Ancient Judaism and Chair, Department of Religious Studies, at the University of Oregon. He is author of Parabiblical Texts (T&T Clark) and Daily, Sabbath, and Festival Prayers in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Brill). Rodney A. Werline is Associate Professor and the Marie and Leman Barnhill Endowed Chair in Religious Studies at Barton College, Wilson, North Carolina, and author of Pray Like This (Continuum) and Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism: The Development of a Religious Institution (Scholars Press).

“This volume provides significant background knowledge regarding the emerging themes in penitential prayer in early rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity, making it a valuable resource for comparative studies.”
— E. R. Hayes, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament