Sigmund Mowinckel is widely recognized as one of the leading forces in Psalms research during the twentieth century. Indeed, the culmination of Mowinckel’s thought and work, The Psalms in Israel’s Worship, continues to play a significant role in Psalms scholarship today. Not as well known are the seminal studies that prepared the ground for Mowinckel’s later work, the six Psalmenstudien that are translated here into English for the first time. In the first volume Mowinckel explores with care and in detail such topics as: “'Awen and the Psalms of Individual Lament” and “YHWH’s Enthronement Festival and the Origin of Eschatology.” Anyone interested in Psalms study, especially the possible role of the New Year’s enthronement festival within Israel’s cult and its relation to the Psalter, will find much to consider in these classic works.
Sigmund Mowinckel (1884–1965) earned a Th.D. at the University of Oslo, then served on the faculty of that institution for nearly fifty years. Although he is most widely known for his work on Psalms, his interests were wide-ranging and extended across the entire Hebrew Bible and beyond.
Mark E. Biddle is Russell T. Cherry Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. He has published numerous translations including works by Gunkel, Wellhausen, and von Rad.
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