An invitation for conversation with Asian biblical scholars in diaspora
This book contains readings of texts in, and engagements with themes drawn from, the Book of Ruth. The chapters exhibit literary, cultural, intertextual, and postcolonial flavors, thus giving readers a taste of current trends of biblical criticism in Asia. The attention to migration, gender, and minoritized subjects in the Book of Ruth makes this a necessary read for students and researchers on Ruth and on methods of biblical criticism.
- Essays from biblical scholars from different parts of Asia and its neighbors
- Attention to migration, gender, and minoritized subjects in the Book of Ruth
Jione Havea is a native Methodist pastor from Tonga who is Primary Researcher at the Public and Contextual Theology Research Centre, Charles Sturt University (Australia). He is the co-editor of Bible, Borders, Belonging(s): Engaging Readings in Oceania (SBL Press).
Peter H. W. Lau was born in Hong Kong but grew up in Australia. Currently, he is a visiting lecturer at Sydney Missionary and Bible College and an honorary research associate at the University of Sydney. He is the author of Ruth: Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth: A Social Identity Approach (de Gruyter).
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