This volume comprises a collection of ten essays on John 6 illustrating various current approaches to biblical interpretation. To understand this biblical chapter, one must deal with most of the issues that confront serious readers of the Fourth Gospel. Historical issues and questions regarding the composition of the Gospel, the nature of the Johannine community, the literary design of the Gospel, and its theology all come to focus in a unique way in John 6. The essays in this volume are written by ten of the leading Johannine scholars in America, Australia, Europe, and Scandinavia: Paul N. Anderson, Johannes Beutler, Peder Borgen, Robert Kysar, Martinus J. J. Menken, Francis J. Moloney, Gail R. O’Day, John Painter, Ludger Schenke, and Marianne Meye Thompson. The collection thus provides an overview of current Johannine scholarship and a showcase for the various methodologies now being used in Gospel studies.
R. Alan Culpepper, Ph.D. (1974), Duke University, is Dean of the McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University. His publications include The Johannine School: An Evaluation of the Johannine-School Hypothesis Based on an Investigation of the Nature of Ancient Schools (SBL, 1975); Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design (1983); and John, the Son of Zebedee: The Life of a Legend (1994).
The Sitz-im-Leben of the Johannine Bread of Life Discourse and Its Evolving Context
—Paul N. Anderson
Jesus and the Quest for Eternal Life
—John Painter
John 6: Tradition, Interpretation and Composition
—Peder Borgen
The Structure of John 6
—Johannes Beutler
The Function of Prolepsis in the Interpretation of John 6
—Francis J. Moloney
John 6:15–21: Jesus Walking on Water as Narrative Embodiment of Johannine Christology
—Gail R.O’Day
The Dismantling of Decisional Faith: A Reading of John 6:25–71
—Robert Kysar
John 6:51c–58: Eucharist or Christology?
—Martinus J J. Menken
The Johannine Schism and the “Twelve” (John 6:60–71)
—Ludger Schenke
Thinking about God: Wisdom and Theology in John 6
—Marianne Meye Thompson